switching brokers in the new year

Featured episode

Guess what? You’re not married to your broker! The end of the year is a time we evaluate all the things in our business. And a natural thing to think about is if the broker you’re with is the right fit.

016: Switching Brokers in the New Year

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Two things I see every time I walk out the door is people and houses. Shelter is one of the basic needs in life and so there are still people buying and selling houses. Does buying and selling look different than the last few years? Yes. Are people still in need of the value and service you provide? Also, yes.


Feeling a little stuck lately? There are a million and a half reasons this happens. And, lucky for us, a million ways to fix it!


Please don’t tell me you’re still flying by the seat of your pants…
Every successful business begins with a GOAL. Let’s talk SMART goals!

all things goal setting - real estate bestie podcast


I want to be open and let you in on a few things that have me feeling overwhelmed in this current season and how I’m working to slow down to take care of myself…and as a result be better for the people I serve in business and life.

Real Estate Bestie - Overwhelm is Overrated

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