“Good afternoon, I hope that you enjoyed your vacation. My wife and I have decided after much prayer that we are going to terminate our working relationship with you. You have been a pleasure to work with. Thank you for your time and we wish you success and blessings.”
I’d just boarded a plane headed home from a much needed vacation with my husband when I picked up my phone to check my text messages before takeoff.
The past few days were glorious and the reset was needed personally and professionally. I protested about going on this trip but was so grateful that I went.
I slept by the ocean.
Ate amazing meals.
Met wonderful people.
It was magical and I felt like a million bucks. Until I didn’t.
As I read the message my mood shifted and I immediately felt like a dirty, torn and discarded dollar bill that no one wanted.
I was Craig…literally fired on my day off.
The plane ride home sucked.
I racked my brain the entire time trying to figure out where I went wrong. Trying to understand why I was being rejected by people that I truly wanted to help. People that said I was a pleasure to work with but they wanted to terminate ties with me.
It made no sense.
But here is the thing about rejection. The person being rejected tries to figure out what they did wrong when most often it’s not even about them.
Yes. In these situations, it’s always a good habit to spend a moment to self reflect to see if anything could have been done differently on your part.
However, the reality is that in this business and in this life we can expect rejection.
Whether an open house prospect never answers your calls, your good friend chooses another agent, or you get fired on your way home from vacation—rejection is part of the process.
The key is that we can’t allow one (or five) rejections to discourage us from pursuing purpose.
Think about it this way. I don’t know of anyone who was more rejected than Jesus. When you read the Bible you learn that people were patiently waiting for the coming of the Messiah in hopes to be saved.
But you will also read that the people that prayed for Him were the same people who rejected Him and eventually crucified Him.
Jesus modeled that though He was rejected time and time again, He stayed on mission towards his purpose. He didn’t allow the actions of a few to convince Him that He was not worthy to complete His Father’s business.
That is my prayer for you.
That as you face rejection, you remember that you have to keep going because this is bigger than you. It’s about your Father’s business.
We will experience rejection, but Jesus is the “stone which the builders rejected” and he “has become the cornerstone” (Acts 4:11)
Ironically, that couple called me back a few months later—I sold their house and they have supported me and my real estate business ever since.
But even if they hadn’t, Jesus reminded me long before that their rejection does not define my worth. Only His love does that.
How do you handle rejection? Do you remind yourself that Jesus was also rejected?
Drop a comment and tell me.
Your Real Estate Bestie,
