Oh, the things I noticed when I first saw myself on camera! I can’t believe my skin is doing its own thing – definitely need to start a skincare regimen ASAP.
And seriously, listen to that lisp of mine. I sound like Donald Duck. Why didn’t my mom send me to a school with speech therapy? Then there’s this gap in my teeth that apparently decided to make a grand entrance. How did I not see that before? Braces, anyone? Instead, here I am on the internet, looking like a goofball.
All these thoughts were playing rent-free in my head as I watched a video I made about a new construction community. After a training session about the power of video on social media, I was all in. It made sense – our world shifted from reading long posts to watching engaging videos. Exciting, right?
Well, until I hit play on my own video. Cue the cringe. I couldn’t even focus on the beautiful home I was showcasing because I was too busy being appalled by my on-screen presence. From stumbling over words to fixating on my imperfections, I wanted to hit delete and pretend it never happened.
But then there was this voice inside me saying, “POST IT.” As much as I wanted to resist, I reluctantly hit post. I felt awkward and exposed, but then a verse from the Bible popped into my mind:
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:14)
Here I was, agonizing over every flaw, forgetting that according to God’s word, I am wonderfully made. God crafted every imperfection with care and is pleased with His creation.
Ever find yourself nitpicking every detail, to the point that it stops you from showing up as the person God created you to be? You’re not alone. Remember, you too are fearfully and wonderfully made. God designed every intricate detail about you.
The Bible is filled with imperfect people that God used for His perfect plan. He loves you just as you are and is ready to use you right now, just as you are!
Leave a comment and tell me, what has been holding you back. Make a commitment today to embrace that thing and show up exactly as you are!
Your Real Estate Bestie,
