I remember the day that I decided to become a realtor. Well actually, the day it was decided for me.
I was in church on a crisp December morning in 2016. My pastor was preaching a sermon about obedience. He told the story from Genesis 22 when God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac. I’d heard this story many times but something struck a nerve in me that day.
In the passage, I was surprised by Abraham’s actions. The scriptures don’t show him questioning God. We don’t see him negotiating and asking God to change his mind. Isaac was the son that Abraham prayed for, but he didn’t throw a temper tantrum. He didn’t beg God to do something different. We simply see him obey immediately.
I was sitting in the last row of the balcony— feeling the conviction as I contemplated what the sermon meant for me. I was so different from Abraham. I often negotiated with God, questioning what He told me to do. If things didn’t make sense or I didn’t know the whole plan, I often opted to play it safe. This was flat out disobedience.
But seeing how Abraham trusted God no matter what prompted me to whisper ‘Lord I will trust you’. And because God is God, I got an immediate response.
Sitting in the last row, in the last seat of the balcony, for the very first time in my life I audibly heard God speak.
“Go Help!”
I knew exactly what he was telling me to do. I can’t explain how I knew except to say it was a prompting by the Holy Spirit. Right at that moment I realized that I was supposed to get my real estate license. My husband had been in the real estate business for years and I thought that God was telling me to go and be his helpmate. To come alongside him to help him build his business.
For the first time in as long as I had lived, I obeyed immediately and didn’t negotiate with God. I didn’t have a plan but just followed His voice.
As I reflect years later, I hear ‘Go Help” differently now. I thought that God wanted me to get in the business to simply help my husband and to help our family but I was wrong. Yes, this business has been a huge blessing for my household and I am so grateful. But ‘Go Help’ was bigger than The Lewis Family. It was all about you.
✨ God knew that one day you would be reading this devotional.
✨ He knew that this story would lead you into loving conviction about being obedient in an area that He is calling you to.
✨ He knew that He would use my experience to propel you forward.
✨ He knew that one yes to Him would have a ripple effect and bring you deeper in relationship with Him.
I am so grateful for Abraham and his immediate obedience. Seeing him trust God allowed me to trust God. Me trusting God, brought you right here at this moment. Right here to encourage you to get out of your own way and do the thing that God is prompting you to do. Now it’s time for you to act.
Because you never know who God will impact by your immediate obedience? How will God use you mightily for His kingdom? There is only one way to find out….
Your Real Estate Bestie,
