I’m a recovering hater.
I grew up on the south side of Chicago where the culture is not as collaborative, and honestly, we are taught to size people up. Sure, I was ‘kinda’ happy when my friends got married, bought a house, or landed a new job. But mostly I was a stone-cold hater.
Good for her, but I would never marry a man like that. This house is nice, but how expensive is her mortgage? I’m happy she got that job. If my dad had connections like that, I would have it too.
This pattern grew a new set of legs and arms when I got into real estate. Anytime I opened up my Facebook page and saw realtors standing in front of closed signs or a new listing, my stomach would literally turn.
Then the Holy Spirit convicted me BIG TIME.
Rosemary, you want God to bless your business, but you can’t handle seeing other people’s business be blessed.
It was the truth—my reaction wasn’t really about them. It was about me and what I believe about God.
My behavior indicated that I didn’t trust God and His provision for my life. It showed my twisted ego, believing that if someone else was winning, it felt like I was losing. It showed my weakness and insecurities and how much I needed to learn about the character of God.
Proverbs 14:30 says that a heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.

If we are not careful, we will let envy of others not only separate us from the truth of who God is, but we will literally rot away.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to rot away because I can’t handle watching others be blessed. I don’t want to live in frustration and discontentment; I want to be free, and I know that you want freedom too.
The only way to do that is to be honest with God about the condition of your heart and ask Him to heal it.
May we seek freedom and peace in acknowledging our struggles and surrendering them to the One who can bring true healing. Amen.
Your Real Estate Bestie,
