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- Rosemary

It’s YOUR homegirl, Rosemary Lewis…teacher turned top-producing real estate agent. Like best friends do, I’m giving you all the tea related to navigating and thriving in these real estate streets! Everything's better with friends, so let’s succeed together! 


One day I received a call from a colleague.  He is a realtor and was licensed during the Covid boom. During the first few years of his career his pipeline was overflowing with buyers looking to take advantage of low interest rates and sellers cashing in on accelerated appreciation. 

Then it slowed down. Waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy down. 

He called to ask me to give him my lead generating secrets. 

“Come on sis, stop holding out. What are you doing to keep business consistent?”

I could hear the desperation in his voice and while I didn’t consider my strategy to be a ‘secret’ I shared it with him. 

I love people well. 


He was confused so I broke it down. A few years into my career I figured out that the business that I enjoyed most came from within my SOI (sphere of influence). 

But instead of sitting back and praying that leads would just come from my sphere of influence, I decided to go deeper into my relationships and well, just love them well. 

In the bible we see countless stories of how Jesus saw the needs of people and met them. He loved them well and we are called to  love like Jesus. And that’s the secret to building a fruitful business and life. 

Once you switch your view from generating leads for only your benefit to being sensitive to the needs of others and providing resources, everything changes. 

So instead of prospecting your sphere, pray and ask God to show you how to love them well and to use you to fill in any gaps in their life. 

That may be with resources about a local summer camp, hosting a get together so they can meet new people or simply calling to check in. 

When we love people as God has commanded us, you will be amazed how you receive that love back through your business and every area of your life. 

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. – Matthew 22:37-40

Let’s Pray:

Dear God, Thank you for sending your Son as the ultimate example of how to love well. I know that I have many needs that I put before you but please show me how to be sensitive to the needs of those around me and to love them well. I know that you are intentional in how you care for your children. Please soften my heart to be intentional like you. In Jesus Name!

Your Real Estate Bestie,

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