Some deals are just nightmares. Not because of the buyer. Not because of the sellers. But because of the agent on the other side.
God has commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves but that’s pretty hard to do when you are negotiating repairs with a rude, bull headed and unreasonable person.

“Don’t seek revenge or carry a grudge against any of your people. “Love your neighbor as yourself. I am GOD. – Leviticus 19:18 (Message)
But look closely at the scripture. It doesn’t say love your cool neighbor as yourself. Or your fun and sensible neighbor. It simply says neighbor.
And because God is all knowing, He knew that we would encounter difficult people in this world. He even knew that we would be tempted to hold grudges and seek vengeance but he’s called us to be different.
You will be tested and I am definitely not suggesting that you be a pushover, especially in this business. But I am suggesting that you meditate on this scripture and remember that you as the believer have the responsibility to represent Christ well.
So what does that look like in the heat of the moment?
Take a pause and pray before responding to a snarky email.
Pray for patience as you navigate a challenge in the transaction.
Ask God to remind you that this person is His child, therefore is your brother or sister in Christ.
Seek wisdom in what to say and what not to say.
Pray for the person, that they develop a real relationship with Jesus.
Remind yourself of the countless times that Jesus has shown you grace and mercy that you didn’t deserve. And give it back.
It is very possible to navigate a transaction well, honor your fiduciary responsibility to your client and represent Christ well, even when the other agent is a nightmare.
Let us pray (and save this prayer, you will need it time and time again)
Dear God,
Today I pray for my heart as I go through this deal with _______________ (agent name). You know that I have struggled to maintain my composure and I am frustrated. I pray that you give me the patience, wisdom and understanding to navigate this situation well. Please remind me that __________________ (agent name) is your daughter/son and that you have commanded me to love them. Please send the holy spirit as my helper and show me how to have tough conversations respectfully and in love. I pray that _____________ (agent name) will come to know you and love you and that I represent you well in all of my interactions with him/her.
In Jesus name!
