In Mark 5, there was a woman with an issue of blood…an issue that made her an outcast and kept her in consistent pain for 12 years. She’d tried every remedy, sought help from every doctor and spent every penny that she had trying to get better. Nothing worked….
Until she heard about a man named Jesus.
I think about that woman often and how easy it would have been for her to just give up. Her life was FULL of disappointment and despair. I imagine that she was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Have you been there?
😞 In pain and frustrated with your past and present circumstances
😞 Feeling like you have tried everything but nothing has worked…
😞 At the end of yourself with no options and very little hope.
It’s easy to give up in those moments but the lady with the issue of blood demonstrates just how powerful faith in God is.

For she had been saying to herself, “If I just touch His garments, I will get well.” And immediately the flow of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease. —Matthew 5:28-29
Although her world had fallen apart, she still had the faith to reach for Jesus. And that faith made her well.
How about you?
Are you reaching for Jesus?
Maybe you are not dealing with a lingering health issue but maybe you are sick and tired of disappointments. Sick of feeling like you’re just barely getting by, and the weight of it all is crushing your spirit?
This is where faith makes all the difference. Like the woman in Mark 5, you may feel like you’ve exhausted every option, but Jesus is never out of reach. When you’re at the end of yourself, you’re in the perfect position to reach out to Him.
Her story reminds us that no matter how long you’ve been struggling, one touch from Jesus can change everything. But it takes that step of faith, even when you feel like there’s nothing left.
So, Bestie, don’t let despair hold you back. Reach for Jesus, trust Him, and let Him bring the healing, hope, and restoration you need. He’s waiting and ready for you.
Your Real Estate Bestie,
