Years ago, my husband and I put in a contract to build a house. At the time we were not home shopping or even in position to buy a home— we had less than perfect credit, no money saved, and I just transitioned from teacher to realtor.
But on a random weekday we walked into this new construction model. It just felt like HOME. My husband was relentless and spent every day trying to figure out how to make it work. He found a lender that offered creative financing, convinced the sales person at the builder to take a lower earnest money deposit and committed to working overtime to earn the money for a down payment.
All of this was crazy to me and I was preparing myself for disappointment. Not only were we NOT in position to buy but I literally could not see us living in a house like this. Sure I showed these types of homes to clients but it was out of our range. If somehow we were able to buy the home, there was no way that we would be able to afford to stay there.
I thought that my reservations were valid but looking back, I lacked so much faith— in God.
As we were signing the papers to go under contract, my heart was beating fast, palms were sweaty and I started to feel nauseous. I tried to calm myself down by praying and I felt the holy spirit respond with a question…do you trust me?
At that moment I realized that this wasn’t about the house but it was about trusting God for something that I couldn’t see. It was about having faith. As a realtor I know what it takes and what you need to buy a house but God decided to take all of my logic and toss it to show me exactly how BIG he is.

He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” — Matthew 17:20
Honestly, I didn’t have faith in the outcome but my faith was in God and for once, I didn’t argue. I just believed and worked. And worked and believed.
Where in your life do you need to exercise more faith than logic?
With this home, God showed me that even if all I have to offer is mustard seed faith, He is capable of moving mountains in my life. We definitely had to put some work behind our prayers but God gets all the glory.
What will He do with your mustard seed faith?
Let us pray….
Dear God, thank you for your word that reminds me that having faith in you is greater than having faith in any outcome. There are so many areas in life that I allow logic to cause me to doubt you and what you are doing in and through my life. I pray that I grow a deeper intimate relationship with you so that my faith in who you are deepens. Please give me mustard seed faith to trust you at your word then take action. Thank you for loving me and never giving up on me. In Jesus Name
Your Real Estate Bestie,
