Many people have faith that they will be successful in real estate but few are really willing to actually do the work. When you see images of realtors on social media it’s easy to look and believe that it will happen for you too. And it can.
But the part that is often overlooked is the consistency and work required. Sometimes we as believers think that faith is enough, but taking action is the true evidence of our faith.

James 2:26 says:
For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.
Let’s explore what that means for us…
You can believe all day long that God will bless your business, bring you the right clients and change your life through real estate— and he can. But if you are only believing and NOT making calls, hosting open houses, door knocking, growing your sphere, learning how to become a better negotiator or pouring into yourself and your business, guess what? You are all talk.
If you truly believe that God has placed you in this business, then faith is not enough. You have to put some grind behind those prayers and demonstrate to God that you are willing to do the work required to see the promise fulfilled.
Time and time again in the Bible we see people taking action to demonstrate their faith.
✅ Friends cut open a ceiling to get their paralyzed friend the Jesus,
✅ The woman with the issue of blood reached out to touch the hem of his garment,
✅ Noah built an ark though it seemed crazy,
✅ The Israelites circled Jericho day after day until the walls came down.
What if all of these people just stayed home and prayed only? I’m willing to bet their stories would of ended differently. True faith requires action and I know that is scary.
Today pray and ask God to not only give you faith to trust Him but the courage to take action and do something. The more action you take, the more your faith will grow and the more you will see God move on your behalf.
Faith without works is dead. It’s time for your faith to come alive!
What will your works look like this week?
Your Real Estate Bestie,
