I have a confession.
Just recently, I was scrolling FB and saw a post from an agent in my market. The post read:
“Thank you Jesus for the best month in my career. I closed over 5 million in transactions. I don’t know why God keeps blessing me and my little family but I’m so grateful.”
Since we are both believers, my initial response should have been to rejoice with her.
But can I be honest??? I rolled my eyes.
Now I wouldn’t normally admit this to you (or myself) but this is a heart issue that God continues to deal with in me. Has he dealt with you too?
Sometimes it’s easy to allow the enemy to convince us that if someone else is winning, that must mean that we are losing. And if we are not careful our response will make us look more like Satan than Jesus.
But I am grateful for the Holy Spirit because it convicts and corrects. After the eye roll, I immediately felt conviction.
The God who loves me, provides for me, saved me and has met every need is so exceptional and intentional that He also met and exceeded every need of the person behind the post.
That didn’t deserve an eye roll but a resounding praise for such a faithful God.
Immediately, I turned off my phone and prayed. First I prayed a prayer of repentance and asked God to forgive me for my unChristlike response. Then I prayed a blessing over her and her family. I asked God to continue to cover them and blow their minds with His faithfulness so that she would continue to shine a light on His goodness and faithfulness.
THE bible says “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” – Proverbs 14:30
The enemy wants nothing more than to trap us in a web of jealousy, deceit and distrust. He wants to cause commotion and unrest in our hearts and will even use the way that God blesses our brothers and sisters to do that.
But we have a choice.
The choice to fall for his schemes and rot— or bless God for his faithfulness in our lives and the lives of others and receive the peace of God.
Let’s pray:
Thank you for being such a loving and patient Father. It amazes me how you have the capacity to love and care for me AND everyone else in the world. I won’t ever fully comprehend your goodness but I’m grateful that I get to experience it in my own life. At times, I find myself struggling to celebrate others and I know that that is not of You. When thoughts of jealousy and envy try to overcome me, please convict me and remind me of the faithfulness that you show me each day. Teach me how to love and bless others because You first loved me.
In Jesus Name!
Your Real Estate Bestie,