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- Rosemary

It’s YOUR homegirl, Rosemary Lewis…teacher turned top-producing real estate agent. Like best friends do, I’m giving you all the tea related to navigating and thriving in these real estate streets! Everything's better with friends, so let’s succeed together! 


“Thanks for all of your hard work, but I’ve decided to go in another direction and hire a local realtor. God bless you.”

I had just walked into Target when I received this text from a homeowner I’d met a few weeks earlier. She had walked into an open house I was hosting, and we’d hit it off immediately. She lived one town over and was looking to move into this area to shorten her commute to work. While she didn’t care for the home I was showing, our conversation went so well that I scheduled a listing appointment at her house for later that week.

During that appointment, we talked deeply—about everything from preparing her home for the market to raising kids and Jesus. She didn’t want to sign the paperwork just yet because she had one more appointment with another realtor, but assured me that her mind was already made up.

Apparently, it wasn’t.

As I read that text, the tears started flowing. This business was starting to feel like rejection after rejection, and on that day in Target, it broke me down.

Have you ever been there?

When someone doesn’t choose you—whether in business, relationships, or any area of life—it’s easy to feel like you’re not enough. The rejection can sting deeply, leaving you questioning your worth. But here’s the truth: Even when others don’t choose you, God already has. You are chosen, handpicked by Him for a purpose.

In 1 Peter 2:9, God reminds us that we are His special possession. Rejection from others does not disqualify you from the calling God has placed on your life. He sees you, He values you, and He has set you apart. While the world may not always recognize your worth, God never overlooks it.

1 Peter 2:9 - Rejected yet Chosen - Real Estate Bestie Devotional - Rosemary Lewis

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.”
— 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)

So, when the sting of rejection comes, remember: You are chosen by the Creator of the universe. His plan for you is greater than any setback. When someone walks away, it may simply be God making space for what He has in store for you next. Keep trusting, keep walking in your calling, and know that His love and acceptance are constant, even when others fall short.

Bestie, when was a time you felt rejected, but later realized God had something better in store for you? Leave a comment and tell me about it 🙂

Your Real Estate Bestie,

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