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- Rosemary

It’s YOUR homegirl, Rosemary Lewis…teacher turned top-producing real estate agent. Like best friends do, I’m giving you all the tea related to navigating and thriving in these real estate streets! Everything's better with friends, so let’s succeed together! 


Imagine having a client who claimed they loved you. Every time you were in their presence, they sang your praises and told others how wonderful you are. They were vocal about how much they appreciated your hard work and dedication. But there was one major problem—they always did the opposite of what you advised.

They insisted on looking at homes way over their budget, despite your best efforts to keep them on track. They were adamant about listing their home for far more than the market would bear, ignoring the comps you provided. During negotiations, they were unreasonable and stubborn, making things harder for themselves and everyone else involved. They professed love and admiration for you but constantly disregarded your instructions.

For many of us, that’s how we treat God. We say we love Him, we declare His goodness in our lives, but when it comes time to follow His instructions, we resist. We want to go our own way, pursue our own plans, and ignore the direction He gives.

Luke 6:46 - Do you really love me? - Real Estate Bestie Devotional - Rosemary Lewis

Jesus speaks about this very issue in Luke 6:46-49 when He says, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” He goes on to give a powerful analogy, comparing those who hear His words and obey them to a man building a house with a solid foundation. This man digs deep and lays the foundation on the rock. When the floodwaters rise and the storms beat against the house, it stands firm because it is well-built. But the person who hears His words and does not obey is like a man building a house on the ground without a foundation. When the storms come, the house collapses, and its destruction is great.

In the same way, our lives and businesses must be built on the foundation of obedience. It’s not enough to say we love God; we must follow His direction. Obedience is the bedrock that ensures our foundation is strong, allowing us to stand firm when the challenges of life and business come our way.

Just as that client’s refusal to listen makes things more difficult for them, our refusal to follow God’s guidance often causes us unnecessary hardship. We must trust that His plans and instructions are always for our good, even when they don’t make sense to us. By choosing obedience, we build a life and business that can withstand whatever storms may come.

Your Real Estate Bestie,

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