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- Rosemary

It’s YOUR homegirl, Rosemary Lewis…teacher turned top-producing real estate agent. Like best friends do, I’m giving you all the tea related to navigating and thriving in these real estate streets! Everything's better with friends, so let’s succeed together! 


This week I was mad at my husband. I know that we look all cute and picturesque on IG, but behind the highlight reel, things were tense over here.

In my frustration, I did what most women do when they’re beefing with their man: I called my two trusted friends and vented BIG time. The vent didn’t change anything, but I was able to share a lot of colorful words that aren’t quite appropriate for me to share in this devotional. They let me go off, but both of them pointed me toward Christ. They encouraged me to pray for my heart and see how the enemy was using this small thing to stir up confusion and division in my home. I heard them and said I would pray, but honestly, it just felt better to get things off my chest.

Then, something happened later that day. I ran into an old acquaintance, and when I asked how things were going, she immediately and honestly shared how this was a really tough time in her marriage. As she shared her heart, I began to pray for her and her husband. I didn’t hesitate. Then I asked her if we could pause and pray together right there. As I embraced her and asked God to cover her and her situation, I felt immediate conviction.

You see, my first response to her struggle was to pray. But in my own home, with a much smaller challenge, I let my feelings and my flesh take over instead of doing what I know: running to God first.So often we let our emotions lead us when we’re upset, and it’s so easy to call on others for validation instead of calling on God for perspective. But here’s the thing: God calls us to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). That means even when things look or feel tough, whether it’s a deal falling apart, challenges in our relationships, or just the complexities of life, we have to seek Him first.

2 Corinthians 5:7 - Messy Feelings - Real Estate Bestie Devotional - Rosemary Lewis

So, the next time you feel the heat rising or the frustration building, ask God to show you the situation through His eyes. Instead of venting, vent to Him. Pray for clarity, wisdom, and peace. I promise you’ll feel lighter and more centered, because you’ve handed it over to the One who truly knows what’s best for you.

Oh, and after I truly prayed and gave it to God, my attitude towards my man and the situation totally changed. I was able to approach it with the love and grace of God, and now we’re back to our IG-esk selves. Not because we’re perfect, but because our Heavenly Father is.

That’s the beauty of trusting Him over our feelings. When we invite God into the mess, He transforms not just the situation but us as well. So, whether it’s your relationships, business, or anything else in life, go to God first. He’s got the wisdom and love we need to navigate every tough moment.

Where do you need to invite God into your messy feelings? Name that thing then pray this prayer:

Dear God, 
Thank You for Your unending grace and love. Right now, I invite You into the messy feelings I’m holding on to. Help me to release the frustration, the fear, and the things that don’t reflect Your heart. I ask for Your wisdom and peace to fill my mind and guide my steps. Show me how to see this situation through Your eyes and remind me that You are in control. I trust You with this, Lord, and I surrender my feelings to You. Lead me in Your truth and love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Your Real Estate Bestie,

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