Should you be prospecting during the holidays - Real Estate Bestie Podcast - Rosemary Lewis

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Ever find yourself torn between sipping cocoa by the fireplace and dialing up prospects during the holidays? It’s the season of twinkling lights and potential listings, but can you really juggle both? Let’s unwrap the pros and cons, sprinkled with a dash of wisdom, to help you strike that perfect balance between work and play.

109: [Q+A] Should You Be Prospecting During the Holidays?

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Ready for a financial makeover in 2024? Join me in this episode as we unravel the mysteries of managing money. From unpacking your money mindset to crucial conversations with a CPA, we’ll navigate the financial terrain together. Let’s make money empowering, not overwhelming!

Managing Money in 2024 - Real Estate Bestie Podcast - Rosemary Lewis


As we gear up for a brand new year, it’s goal-setting time, and if changing brokers is on your list, you’re not alone. In this episode, I’m sharing my insights on what to look for, the questions to ask, and how to ensure that this relationship is a match made in commission-split heaven!

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Wondering if it’s time to push the panic button with the market down by 35%? First things first, take a deep breath. In this episode, we’re diving into the rollercoaster ride that is the real estate business. It’s a cycle, and right now, we’re navigating the lows after enjoying some highs. Your feelings are valid, and guess what? You’re not alone in this. Before you make any panic moves, join me as we dissect what’s happening and, most importantly, strategize on the smartest next steps.

Is it time to push the panic button - Real Estate Bestie Podcast - Rosemary lewis


Picture this: You’re knee-deep in a real estate deal, everything seems smooth, and then BAM! A horror story unfolds—all because of one crucial question that wasn’t asked. 😱 In today’s episode, I’m spillin’ the tea on this experience, sharing the key question that was missed, and uncovering why it holds the power to save you from real estate nightmares. Trust me; you’ll want to have this question in your arsenal for every deal! 

[Q+A] What you need to know when listing a house? - Real Estate Bestie Podcast - Rosemary Lewis

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BTS of my Solo Business Planning Retreat - Real Estate Bestie Podcast - Rosemary Lewis


Ever find yourself on holiday break, sipping cocoa by the fire, and suddenly the thought hits you: “How can I boss up my real estate game during this time?” Well, you’re not alone! In today’s episode, I’m answering a fantastic listener question from our dual-career agent friend looking to turn those holiday breaks into a powerhouse setup for 2024 success. From strategic planning to skill sharpening, we’re unleashing a holiday action plan that’ll have you slaying your real estate goals before the New Year’s confetti even hits the ground.

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