Apple | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Buzzsprout Getting an offer on your listing is exciting—yay! 🎉 But before you pop the bubbly, there’s one crucial step you can’t skip: calling the lender. Offers are great, and building rapport with the buyer’s agent is nice, but the real magic happens when you pick up the phone and ask the right questions […]
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Apple | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Buzzsprout Finding the perfect lender to partner with in your real estate business? It’s basically like dating. Yep, you might have to kiss a few frogs to find “the one.” And just like in love, a good lender is worth the wait—they’ll have your back, support your goals, and help get your clients to […]
Apple | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Buzzsprout Not all lenders are created equal, Bestie—and if you’ve ever had a deal fall apart because of one, you know exactly what I’m talking about. A bad lender? Worse than a bad real estate agent, hands down. That’s why properly vetting your lending partner is a must if you want to get your […]
Apple | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Buzzsprout Myth: These leads suck.” How many times have you caught yourself saying that? Well, Bestie, I’m here to flip the script and convince you that every lead is a good lead. Yep, you read that right—every single one. The secret? It’s all about recognizing where that lead is on their home-buying or selling […]
Let’s talk about the real struggle with lead generation, Bestie. You’re out here chasing people who aren’t serious, getting ghosted, or spending time, money, and gas on leads that go nowhere. Sound familiar? But here’s the thing—it’s not the leads. It’s probably your process. 😬 If you’re not asking the right questions or qualifying leads properly, you’re setting yourself up for frustration. In this episode, I’m spilling the tea on what no one tells you about generating quality real estate leads and how a few simple shifts in your process can make all the difference. Let’s fix this together!
HINT: I won't leave you hanging, but I'll definitely sound smartest (and you'll get the most out of it) if you pick my brain on the topics about real estate.
Are you stuck wondering where your next lead is coming from? Don’t stress—getting quality leads in your pipeline isn’t as hard as it seems. Here’s the secret: every single closing starts with a conversation. That means the more conversations you have, the more chances you have to close deals. But here’s the kicker—those casual convos need to turn into real estate convos. Don’t worry, Bestie, I’m not throwing you into the deep end without a life jacket! In this episode, I’m sharing my best tips for starting conversations that feel natural, fun, and lead to real estate opportunities.
Apple | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Buzzsprout What does “I want to make six figures in real estate” really mean? 🤔 Let’s be honest, vague income goals like “six figures” or “top producer” sound good, but they don’t give you a roadmap to get there. That’s why in this episode, we’re getting super real about your money mindset and ditching […]
Apple | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Buzzsprout So, you’re out here getting likes and comments on your posts—yay, go you! 🎉 But now what? How do you take those double-taps and turn them into actual clients? In this episode, we’re diving into the strategy behind social media: converting likes into leads. Spoiler alert—it’s all about conversations. Yep, it’s time to […]
Apple | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Buzzsprout So, you’re out here getting likes and comments on your posts—yay, go you! 🎉 But now what? How do you take those double-taps and turn them into actual clients? In this episode, we’re diving into the strategy behind social media: converting likes into leads. Spoiler alert—it’s all about conversations. Yep, it’s time to […]
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