My husband and I were searching for a place to have lunch and as most married couples, could not agree. After throwing out at least a dozen suggestions, we finally settled on a well known Tex Mex restaurant. As soon as we sat down at our table, Nathan was waiting for us.
Smiling with chips and salsa in hand, eager to welcome us to his section, you could tell something was just different about him. Not only did he serve us at the level you would expect of a five star restaurant it was clear that he genuinely loved his job and appreciated people. Sure the food was tasty but the care and service that Nathan showed us that day was the true standout.
On the way home, I had a thought. I’m sure that everything in Nathan’s life is not perfect. Yet he represented himself and his company so well. On a busy lunch shift, he made our experience exceptional and truly brightened up my day.
I then thought about myself and my attitude when working with clients, engaging with lenders or having a tough conversation with another agent. Am I consistently showing up with eagerness and enthusiasm or failing to bring my A game every time.
The reality is that just as Nathan represented his company well, we as believers have a responsibility to represent God well in our work. In our conversations, interactions and care for our clients, they should walk away feeling like God’s light was shone on them.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” – Colossians 3:23
Be mindful of your attitude and effort in all that you do. When you show up and represent Jesus well, you bring His light into all of your interactions, making a lasting impact on your clients and all those around you.
It’s a great responsibility but He has trusted you to bear His image and live a life that would draw others to HIM. I pray that you (and I) do that well this week.
Your Real Estate Bestie,
